Carthage Federal Savings and Loan
Carthage Federal Savings and Loan
313 State Street
Carthage, NY 13619
Phone: 315.493.3480
Toll-Free: 800.232.0450
Carthage Federal Savings and Loan was founded in 1888 , making our bank the longest running "Hometown Bank" in Jefferson and Lewis Counties.
The Association remains "Mutual" as our holding company has no stockholders. We are here to serve our customers with no conflicting profitability pressures. A "Mutual" is similar to a Credit Union with the exception that we pay income taxes.
We manage over $150,000,000 in assets with a $130,000,000 loan portfolio primarily funded with local deposits. Our Association has two full service offices and one limited service office. We are well capitalized by all regulatory standards.
Carthage Savings continues to make every attempt to provide the highest quality service to our members at the lowest possible cost. Our mission "To Provide Quality Financial Services that Exceed our Members' Expectations while Enhancing the Communities We Serve" is a promise we have lived up to for over 120 years.
Carthage Savings and Loan is deeply committed to the communities we serve. We are dedicated to being a part of the north country's future prosperity.
The Association's Board, Management and Staff are proud of our history and look forward to building customer relationships. Please contact us at 315-493-3480 and we would be happy to tell you more.
Home Mortgage Loans
Buying a home is a big decision. After all, if you plan to spend the next phase of your life there, it's got to be just right. Finding that perfect home is stressful enough—finding the right loan shouldn't be.
We offer loans to fit your needs so you can have the house you want without having to change your lifestyle. And decisions are made locally, right here in Carthage, so you don't have to wait a long time to get approval. If you've found your home, start packing and let us handle the paperwork. It's that easy!
Copyright © 2009 Carthage Federal Savings and Loan
